Monday, June 6, 2011

Stop, Rest, Revitalize

We are busy people, always striving for more, reaching farther, moving faster. No wonder most of us feel tired much of the time.Summer’s longer, sunnier days tempt us into still more activity, leading to exhaustion if we don’t leave time for adequate rest.

Lengthy hikes, bike trips, or long hours of gardening can bring aching muscles and fatigue. Arnica Monatana soothes the pain and inflammation of most strains, sprains, and sore muscles. But nothing beats an ounce of prevention: warming up, stretching, and doing less rather then more.

Too Much Sun

If you feel weak after a day in the sun, you could be suffering from heat exhaustion. This occurs when the water and electrolytes you perspire are not replaced quickly enough. While cooling off and sipping fruit drinks, take Veratrum album if you feel dizzy, nauseous, and experience cold sweats. But if severe muscle cramps accompany the fatigue, take Cuprum metallicum instead.

Confusion and fever after you’ve spenttime in the hot sun are symptoms of heat stroke, a medical emergency. While you cool off and waitfor help, take Belladonna for fever, bright red cheeks, dilated pupils, dry skin, and a throbbing headache. Glonoine is given for similar symptoms, but when the headache is bursting. If you have suffered heat stroke before , you are more susceptible, so keep these remedies with you (preferably in 30C potency) when you need to be in the sun.


Studying through the summer or working extra hours? Kalium phosphoricum is an excellent remedy for nervous exhaustion, when you are having trouble concentrating or sleeping. If an upcoming exam or deadline has you feeling weak in the knees,nervous and trembling, Gelsemium will help. Lastly, Nux vomica will restore you when too many late nights have made you cross, hypersensitive, and tired.


Many people suffer exhaustion from anemia, especially women with heavy menstrual periods. When fatigue persists, have your levels of iron and B12 checked. If you are taking iron supplements and other vitamins, homeopathic remedies can improve the absorption of nutrients so as to speed your recovery.

Although there are many remedies for anemia, China and Ferrum metallicum are the most common. Or opt for China when nervous exhaustion persists, or; sleep is a problem because your mind is busy with plans. Choose Ferrum metallicum if you notice that gentle walks relieve your fatigue, your cheeks are pale but flush easily, and the your mood is irritable.

Remember that exhaustion is your body’s way of saying “stop!” If too much activity, too much work or too much sun has wiped you out, stop, rest, and revitalize with homeopathy.

source :

Treating Sports Injuries With Homeopathy

though there are more than 2,500 remedies in the homeopathic pharmacopoeia, an athlete that knows about half a dozen "sports" remedies will be forward of the ready.

Homeopathic remedies are unadorned to takeCthey trek well (in small fake tubes), and can be certainly tucked into a sports bag. And far from being bitter medicine to swallow, these remedies, in the form of tiny pellets, drink like honey and suspend cursorily under the tongue for rapidly absorption.

How Homeopathy workings

We hope that you have gained a clear grasp of the subject matter presented in the first half of this article.

Homeopathy uses microdoses of physical substances that stimulate the body to rebuild itself. The previous substance (from sources such as plants or reserves) is frequently weak in water and succussed (vigorously shaken) pending, in most bags, no molecules of the original substance are left. It seems that some information ashes in the water and continues to have a medicinal action although the absence of these molecules. The liquid "remedies" are then sprayed against pellets, which are given at diverse dosing intervals to nurse injuries. They will not interfere with conventional drugs, and face-things are awfully pink. For an injured player, a detail remedy is select by matching the design of symptoms to the symptom psychosis the remedy has been known, through history experience, to heal.

Recovery: chapter One


No sports bag should be permitted in the cabinet matter lacking homeopathic Arnica (mountain daisy) inface. For physical injuries, Arnica is the invaluable companion of ice, compression and rise for the nursement of pains such as honest blows in rugby, ankle sprains in soccer and edgy muscles after 18 holes of golf in the early bound. staining and aggravation from change are the revealing symbols of an injury that requests Arnica. It will curtail smarting, ease puffiness, help reabsorb bruises and normally hustle rebuilding in the first part of recovery. More people have been made awake of the profit of homeopathy through the use of Arnica than any other homeopathic remedy. Use it for those unusual occasions like receiving checkered into the boards in hockey or with your precede to meadow a cricket globe. It truly facility.

Some sports injuries can be entirely catastrophicCin particular concussions or "token reason pain." These are normal in both amateur and professional sports and can conduct to lingering personality changes and cognitive defects that can end a gifted athletes career. The aging pugilist Mohammed Ali is a good example of this manner of chronic reason spoil conducting to impairment of mental meaning. In pink bags, frequent concussions can be critical. In a modern reading of the use of homeopathy after paintic reason injury, rightly select remedies were seen to change entirely apparent pathology, according to the Journal of move upset Rehabilitation (1999; 14:521-542). After any precede injury, Arnica should be given right away (if the player is conscious) and, if lingering symptoms persist, nursement required from a professional homeopathic practitioner.


If you are looking for a cream to rub on a sore muscle or ankle, try homeopathic Traumeel. It haves a combination of practical pain remedies and doesnt have camphor or menthol (normal in other arcane warm rubs), which can work against homeopathys action. Many athletes use Arnica cream as an alternative, but Arnica should not be practical to an open wound.


If an injury occurs to a fingertip, lip or an matter with a lot of nerve endings (such as the tailbone or coccyx), use homeopathic Hypericum (St. Johns wort) instead of Arnica. Its more detail for this kind of injury. (One of my patients, with a harshly beaten fingertip from a crush injury did well by alternating Arnica and Hypericum.) So, if you drop on your behind on the ice or get a fingertip laceration while shock climbing, scope for Hypericum first.

source :

Athletes Guide to Homeopathy

For small aches and bothers, trivial injuries from sports or other shocks, you can use homeopathic remedies. For more habitual complaints, consult with a naturopathic doctor, homeopath or holistingic practitioner qualified in homeopathy.

Use the symptoms below to help you prefer the accepted remedy. In universal, take slash potencies (something under 30c) of the remedy every half hour awaiting development is prominent, then the behavior should block. If there is a waning, take the indicated remedy again. Remedies are full under the tongue and detained for approximately 30 seconds. Take 20 record before or after you have eatenCthe promote away from food, the better. chocolate, peppermint, toothpaste, critical oils or camphor can neutralize the activity of homeopathic remedies. You can, however, take these remedies with water.

corporeal Injuries: step One

During the second part, we must switch to a more serious side to fully communicate the subject matter in a way for all to understand.

deem with one of these remedies in the first 24 hours next an injury. Take a low influence (under 30C) every 15 record for strict bother, then take once every 24 hours as symptoms develop (mostly after one to four hours).

Arnica is the number one homeopathic first aid remedy and should be deemed first for any injury. prime symptoms are: aches and bruises, dislocations and sprains and pain after overenergy. If the injury feels better when you lie down, develops with a cold compress or feels inferior when you stroke it, deem with Arnica.

Bryonia acts on the serous membranes, places and muscles. It is recommended when you have aching in every muscle or muscle tearing, irony of the mucous membranes and when you are cross. Injuries that feel better when passion and anxiety are useful but feel inferior when cooled or in proposal should be treated with Bryonia.

Bellis perennis: Use if Arnica didnt work in the first one to four hours. Bellis acts ajourney the blood vessels and muscle fibres. This is the first remedy to deem when there is muscle pain or injuries to the arcaneer bandannas and nerves. If you feel cold and cool, or the injury is black and desolate, Bellis is recommended.

corporeal Injuries: step Two

If after 24 hours you have not found relief from the point one remedies, try one of these from the next listing. Take four epoch daily.

Hypericum is the best remedy for injuries to the nerves, especially in the extremities. deem with Hypericum to alleviate incisive nerve bother such as when your fingers are wedged in a door or when you injure your tailbone.

Phytolacca has a arcane produce on gristly and osseous (bone) bandanna, and on muscle; it also mechanism particularly well on the Achilles sinew and ankle places. Aching, pain, supportlessness and prostration should be treated with Phytolacca. If the injury feels better with support and altitude and inferior when you move, use Phytolacca.

Rhus tox. A good remedy for bother in the small of the back and knee place. Rhus tox affects gristly bandanna, particularly places and sinews that are botherful and stiff. It is forever good to deem Rhus tox in bags of sprains and strains, tendinitis and plantar fasciitis (bandanna inflammation on the sole of the base). It is also very good for arthritis. If the injury develops with chronic traffic and applications of passion, Rhus toxis recommended.

Ruta acts on cartilage and periosteum (connective bandanna). It is superb for curing squalified flexor sinews and when all parts of your body feel botherful as if beaten. Ruta is good for beaten shins, bursitis, sprains and when your hamstrings feel shortened.


After charming Arnica for primary shock, the most universal remedy for knitting together broken bones is Symphytum, the homeopathic form of comfrey. Take every two hours awaiting bother is diminished, then four epoch daily.

control Injuries

forever deem Arnica for a journey injury. Other remedies enter Nat sulph for habitual journeyaches that have plagued you while an injury and which are accompanied by personality change or depression. deem Hypericum for incisive, shooting bothers and nerve dent.

Your prime Remedies

Arnica: for any injury, aches, bruises, dislocations, sprains and pain after energy.

Bryonia: for membranes, places and muscles, aching muscles or muscle tearing.

Bellis perennis: for muscle pain and arcane bandanna or nerve injuries.

Hypericum: for nerve injuries, especially in the extremities.

Rhus tox: for botherful and stiff places and sinews, sprains and strains.

source :

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Diabetes and virus link confirmed

Childhood diabetes has been linked to enteroviruses, which can lead to cold, flu and even meningitis.

However the review of 26 existing studies by a group in Australia, published in the BMJ, does not prove that the virus causes diabetes.

Diabetes UK said more research was needed to pinpoint the cause of Type 1.

The illness typically appears in childhood, when the pancreas stops producing the hormone insulin and the body cannot control the level of sugar in the blood.
More common

The number of cases has been increasing, without explanation, across the globe.

There is a genetic factor to Type 1 diabetes but this does not explain the rise, so scientists are searching for environmental factors.

One of these is thought to be the enterovirus, yet previous studies on the virus have been inconsistent.

Researchers at the University of New South Wales and the Institute of Endocrinology and Diabetes in Sydney combined the research of several groups to provide a more definitive answer.

They reviewed 26 sets of research involving 4,448 patients and concluded: "The association between enterovirus infection, detected with molecular methods, and diabetes was strong, with almost 10 times the odds of enterovirus infection in children at diagnosis of Type 1 diabetes.

Dr Jonathan Levy, consultant diebetologist at the Oxford Centre for Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism, said: "It looks to be a very well conducted study that seems to nail the association very dramatically, especially in the newly diagnosed."
The root of the problem

One of the issues with this type of research is that it is hard to prove what causes what.

Enterovirus could cause diabetes, or diabetes could make you more susceptible to enterovirus - or something else, such as genetic makeup, could make you more likely to get both.

The authors acknowledge more studies need to take place.

Dr Iain Frame, director of research at Diabetes UK, said: "Many factors have been reported as being associated with Type 1 diabetes but that is not the same as causing Type 1 diabetes and this report based on looking at a number of previous studies does not bring us much closer to pinpointing the causes of Type 1 diabetes."

"We do, however, welcome any new analysis that brings about a better understanding of the involvement of certain viruses on the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas.

"It may well give us another piece of the jigsaw in working towards a better understanding of the causes of Type 1 diabetes which should in turn lead to new prevention strategies."

Dr Alan Foulis, who has been researching the link between diabetes and viruses at Glasgow Royal Infirmary, said: "There's evidence of enterovirus involvement, but there are too many different enteroviruses, hundreds of them."

"What researchers are trying to do is pool resources across Europe to find out which enteroviruses could be be associated with Type 1, which a vaccine manufacturer would need to know to pinpoint the exact one to target."