Friday, December 11, 2009

Discover How to Avoid Unnecessary Pregnancy Weight

Pregnant women need to gain weight not only for their own health but also for the growth and development of their unborn child. Gaining weight means gaining the necessary nutrients and vitamins you and your baby needs for a healthy and safe pregnancy. Women with healthy or normal weight prior pregnancy need to gain between 25 to 35 pounds. It is important to gain enough weight and avoid unnecessary pregnancy weight. Gaining too much weight can be dangerous for you and your baby.

Excess weight during pregnancy will increase your risk of developing pregnancy complications. Caesarean deliveries are also common to obese pregnant women. To avoid unnecessary pregnancy weight, here are some tips:

Eat healthy. It is important to have a healthy eating habit to avoid unnecessary pregnancy weight. It is best to develop a healthy eating plan that includes a variety of foods rich in nutrients and vitamins. Seek the advice of your doctor or nutritionist regarding the proper diet for your condition to avoid unnecessary pregnancy weight gain. Pregnant women have special nutritional needs for their growing baby. Eat a well balanced diet more on fruits and vegetables. Include foods high in folate to prevent birth defects. Vitamin supplements may be necessary but talk to your doctor before taking any supplements. Eat high fiber foods to prevent constipation which is a common problem among pregnant women. Drink lots of water to flush out toxins from your body.

Have a healthy lifestyle. You are now pregnant and it is necessary to modify your lifestyle to avoid unnecessary pregnancy weight and have a healthy pregnancy. Get rid of drinking alcohol but instead drink fruit juices, water and other non-alcoholic beverages. Cut down on caffeine if you are a heavy coffee or tea drinker. Avoid sweetened foods like cakes, cookies and candies because they are high in calories and lack the nutritional value you and your baby needs. Avoid salty foods because they can cause water retention in the body. Cigarette smoking is a big NO during pregnancy. Smoking is not only harmful to your own health but it can also harm your baby. Healthy lifestyle can help you avoid unnecessary pregnancy weight.

Physical activities. Pregnancy is not a reason to just sit down and become inactive. Yo need to stay active if you want to avoid unnecessary pregnancy weight. Regular physical activities can help you reduce the discomforts brought by pregnancy like backaches, headaches and leg cramps. Before engaging in any physical activity, ask your doctor about the level of exercise safe for your condition.

You can go through your pregnancy without feeling bad about your appearance. To learn more on how to stay fit while pregnant, visit All About Pregnancy.

To know more about women visit  All About Women.

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