To the public at large, fluoride is a safe compound that is essential for their oral and dental health. So most will be comfortable with the idea of fluoridation of water supplies. What the hell...It will save us and our children from the perils of tooth decay and cavities.
But I have some unfortunate news for you.....
The so called health benefits of fluoride represents one of the biggest pernicious frauds ever perpetrated by government and big business on an unsuspecting and trusting public.
I know this is quite an assertion to make, but before you turn away in exasperration, this is no crackpot conspiracy theory hatched by some disaffected lunatic fringe group.
The last few years have seen an increasing number of mainstream authorities, scientists, doctors and health professionals of unpeachable standing,voice their alarm against the enforced fluoridation of our drinking water and the dangers of fluoride.
Here is a sample of some of them:
On November 24th, 1992, Robert Carlton, PHD,and former US EPA scientist, said: "Fluoridation is the greatest case of scientific fraud this century"
Dr Phyliss Mullenix, in her 1995 research paper, "Neurotoxicity of Sodium Fluoride in Rats" concluded that fluoride lowers childrens IQ.
In 2006, the American Dental Association warned mothers about using fluoridated water to mix their powdered baby formula.
Even the Wall Street Journal felt obliged to make it's position clear on this issue. In March 2006, it carried an article alluding to the Academy Of Science's concern about high levels of fluoride in the nation's drinking water.
In 1996, Dr Michael Schachter of the Schachter Center For Complimentary medicine wrote an illuminating article on the dangers of fluoride and water fluoridation.
He wrote: "Prior to 1945,fluoride was properly regarded as an enviromental pollutant. It was responsible for many lawsuits against industries such as the aluminium and phosphate fertilizer industries, whose waste products contain large quantities of fluoride...crops and animals were destroyed, leading to lawsuits. The public view was that fluoride was an enviromental pollutant that needed to be reduced or eliminated from the enviroment"...
The article can be read in it's entirety at
Paul Connett PHD,in an article titled: "The Absurdities of Water Fluoridation", borrowed a quote from Dr Peter Mansfield, a member of the UK advisory board on fluoridation..."No physician in his right senses would prescribe for a person he has never met, whose medical history he does not know, a substance which is intended to create bodily change with the advice..take as much as you like, but you will take it for the rest of your life because some children suffer from tooth decay. It is a preposterous notion"
1.It is a toxic sedative. It was given to prisoners in Nazi and Russian death camps in the 1940s. It was used to calm them down and make them more maleable.
2.It is an insidous cumulative poison that steadily accumulates in the bones over a period of time.
3.It damages and compromises the immune system.
4.It interferes with the ability of white blood cells to destroy harmful pathogens.
5.It inhibits antibody formation in the blood
6.It disrupts thyroid function
7.It lowers IQ
8.It causes various cancers.
9.It is even not that good for your childrens teeth! It is responsible for dental fluorises in children...ugly white yellow and brown spots on children's teeth
Governments that add fluoride to drinking water supplies continue to insist that it is safe and beneficial. That it is necessary.
However, scientific evidence continues to illustrate the folly and dishonesty of this position.
The irony is the FDA in the US acknowledges that fluoride when swallowed poses significant risk to children. It requires all toothpastes carry a poison warning label.
And yet, it is perfectly acceptable to put this poison in water supplies! Go figure.