Thursday, January 7, 2010

Oxygen to the skin, Oxygen for Life

At what age do you think the skin begins to feel a lack of oxygen?
After 20 years the activity of skin cells starts to slow down, and skin start to experience oxygen starvation. At the age of 30 the concentration of O2 is reduced on average by 30% and up to the 40 years, by 50%! This leads to the slowing of metabolic processes, and contributes to premature skin aging. Special skin care is needed at any age to combat this very serious problem.
I started using Oxygen cosmetics, but I haven’t noticed significant improvements yet. What else can be done to improve my skin health and youthfulness?
There are many things that can be done to help. For example, in skin care it’s important to maintain the oxygen balance. The higher the level of oxygen in the body, the greater the quantity can be used to maintain the beauty and skin health. I highly recommend combining cosmetic procedures with healthy sleep, hiking in the fresh air, and usage of oxygen cocktails.
Do we need additional oxygen for our skin? After all, we always get it from the atmosphere.
We only get a small percent of oxygen through the skin. And that amount alone is very hard for the skin to absorb. Besides, using make-up forms another barrier that makes it harder for oxygen to get in. Add in stresses, bad habit and these lead to the point when the skin starts to suffocate. Cells just don’t have strength to renew quick enough and assimilate all the active substances that are supplied to them through the air we breathe. The results of oxygen deficit are dryness, wrinkles and a dull complexion. It is possible to improve the situation with the help of beauty Salons Raleigh procedures, or using the right type cosmetics. Use the range of cosmetic according your skin type and use it as recommended.
RIMMA KONEEVA, PhD, director of scientific development Faberlic

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