Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Detecting Std Symptoms For Women

In this day and age, sexual awareness usually begins with the young females. Since the female body tends to mature far earlier than the males, the reproductive system of young women are capable of bearing children when she has already experienced her first menstruation. This is also why at such a young age women may already be experienced sexually. Being so, this puts women at even more risk of acquiring numerous Sexually Transmitted Diseases or STDs.

Another thing to consider is that the female reproductive organs are not external as compared to the men. That is why most symptoms of STDs in women may be hard to detect or may sometimes not appear at all. Some women may even be asymptomatic—meaning they do not show any symptoms of the disease—but be very potent carriers of the microorganism that causes the STD.

Another difficulty when it comes to detecting STD symptoms in women is that most of the symptoms can be mistaken for other more common diseases. Some yeast infections may very well be the beginning signs of Chlamydia. That pimple or bump that you see on your genitals may only look like a badly placed pimple but in actuality is already a sign of Syphilis. You cannot know for sure what these simple symptoms may be and the only way to confirm this easily is by undergoing an STD examination at your local STD clinic.

Once a woman is deemed sexually active, it is clearly advisable that she should get regular and routine check-ups at the nearest STD clinic. It is best to get these exams a few days before or after sexual contact and intercourse. Before, so that you are sure that you are clean and will not pass on the disease to your partner and after since symptoms in women—if they do happen to appear—will not show itself until after a couple of days or weeks since the initial exposure. Symptoms that do manifest are merely signs that your body is trying to protect itself from foreign organisms that are trying to overtake the body.

As a counter measure to this, be sure to seek consult regularly especially if you are at a high risk or had sex with someone that is high risk. One of the most common symptoms of any STD is pain during urination, pain while engaging in sexual intercourse, bleeding between periods and sore throat. Mostly, these symptoms can be very well mistaken as a part of another illness and that is why they are dangerous; you never know that they might be very dangerous STDs just lying in the wait.

Another that you should take note of is that for women, STD symptoms rarely appear. It means that you might be infected but will not show any symptoms so you will never know that you have them in the first place! Truly the best solution for this is to get tested every now and then at the nearest STD testing centers in your vicinity.

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