Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Compromise For Pizza

It is so unfortunate to really have to whole heartedly come to terms with the fact that pizza, one of the most commonly consumed food items in America, and definitely the most adored, is not at all healthy for you. Pizza from the ever popular parlors such as Pizza Hut and Dominoes, that is. We’ve all curtailed around the fact that our most favored food has healthy ingredients and seems to be so well rounded; offering vegetables (tomato sauce), protein (cheese and possibly meat toppings), and a source of energy-fueling carbohydrates plus possibly a beneficial grain (crust). And of course, we take pleasure in justifying that if vegetable toppings are selected when ordering; it is simply all the better. Uplifting pizza as a prime dietary choice is simply a fairytale that exists in an attempt to diminish the guilt of consumption.

First, here is a breakdown of some important aspects to consider that clearly weigh against indulging in the delish dish. Studies acknowledge that an average slice of pizza packs approximately 300 calories (give or take) and adds an unfortunately large amount of fat. The kicker here is the heightened levels of saturated fats-the bad fats (though not as bad as trans fats). It has been established that eating three slices of the most popular pizza from the infamous Pizza Hut (pan pizza with pepperoni topping) infuses about 690 calories, 1,620 mg of sodium, and 33 grams of fat, including a whopping 13 grams of saturated fat. Indulging in just two slices of the hard-to-deny stuffed crust pizza increases your intake of saturated fats to 25 grams! No matter how much you exercise, developing a dietary habit of this type of high caloric and fatty intake will only lead to an unhealthy, expanding body.

The reality is most people simply are unwilling to give pizza up entirely. Even the healthiest individuals feel the urge to splurge every so often. Well, thankfully there is some good news to top off your pizza cravings. The truth is: you can come to a compromise with pizza. There are a handful of ways to alter your pizza intake while still finding a balance in nutrients and less calories/fat.

One of the most important ingredients to modify is the cheese. The reason pizza is so high in calories and so saturated in fat is directly due to the amount of cheese. Swapping regular cheese for low fat cheese will dramatically reduce the intake of such unwelcome waist expanders. Reducing the amount of cheese you top your pizza with will also directly correlate with the reduction of fat and calories, and of course; blotting your pizza can aid in slimming your slice by about 15%. Swapping the refined white flour to whole wheat flour will up the ante in antioxidants and increase the overall nutritional value of the pizza. It will also aid regularity and keep you feeling fuller longer. Adding vegetables will add nutrients, antioxidants, and a healthier diet. That is a no brainer. And if you simply cannot part ways with that greasy full-of-flavor pepperoni, add just one or two pieces per slice.

There are, however, better alternatives such as turkey pepperoni that still taste great. There is no doubt that a homemade pizza allows you to control the quality as well as the quantity of the ingredients you are going to consume. It is the only way to truly be able to comfortably indulge in a “healthy” pizza.

Still, when you are out and pizza is heavily calling your name, try to refrain from eating the whole pie. Eat a salad first and drink plenty of water in order to fill you up a bit, blot each slice with napkins to soak up the grease, and try to order your toppings consciously. There will always be a time and place for pizza. If you are concerned with your health, and want to make the right decision, let that time and place be at home when you can make it yourself.

The Health Benefits of a Mediterranean Style Diet

There are so many benefits to eating healthy and exercising. The positive response to such a lifestyle can often seem redundant due to its literally unending chime. Eating healthy allows for a more balanced weight, it offers one much more natural energy, feels good, decreases the chance of many life threatening diseases such as diabetes and heart problems; the list goes on. Likewise, exercise ensures a much more aesthetic physique; enables the joints and your body’s “hardware” to last much longer while more efficiently moving about; it, too, offers a valuable supply of energy; and also keeps the body in a more prime shape, ready to fight against foreign agents such as sickness and disease. Well, here is another gift you can add to the list of immeasurable benefits just by sculpting your lifestyle with diet and exercise: the reduction of the risk of Alzheimer’s. More acutely, sticking to a Mediterranean-type diet, plus the physical activity, you are able to reduce your risk of cognitive decline by up to 60%!

One of the first remarkable studies that led the medical society down the path of Mediterranean diet and exercise to prevent Alzheimer’s was back in 2006 when 1,880 senior men and women, averaging an age of 77 years old, were studied over a period of 5.5 years in New York. Intermittent studies performed every 18 months or so, were designated to chronicle the lifestyles and the results of those who did and did not stick closely to the suggested Mediterranean diet and physical activity. These studies provided hopeful results. Those who engaged in the highest amount of activities showed a reduced risk of Alzheimer’s by 33%. Furthermore, those who most closely revolved around the Mediterranean diet had reduced their risk by 40%. After further observation and clinical trials, it was estimated that the healthy combination of both Mediterranean diet and exercise resulted in an overall 60% risk reduction. Additional studies geared toward finding a relation to the lessened, or slower, decline of cognitivity also produced results that correlated with the benefit of a Mediterranean diet plus exercise.

Being able to have some sort of control in reducing the risk of Alzheimer’s should be appealing to us all. Physical activity is a very broad field that does not need to be refined when specifically trying to prevent a mental decline. However, specifically a Mediterranean diet is suggested to promote the best results in this particular matter. So what does that entail? A Mediterranean diet primarily consists of high consumption of fish, with minimal red meat and poultry, a great amount of vegetables, legumes, cereals, nuts, and fruits, low-to-no dairy, and olive oil is used for all cooking purposes-providing the main source of fat. Moderate wine consumption is also part of this diet.

Of course, switching lifestyles at the ripe old age of 77 is not what gets you passed the risk of Alzheimer’s. Perhaps it may help a bit, but a long term lifestyle of health is the golden ticket. As with anything, a long term effect provides more substantial results. It is encouraged to adapt to a healthy lifestyle as soon as possible. If you love food and are not willing to give certain things up; compromise. Increase the fish and the vegetables. Use the olive oil and eliminate the chemicals. Mediterranean flavor is abundant, and for those who like to cook: there are plenty of recipes. A nice brisk walk is complemented perfectly by feeding your body something it naturally needs. The positive effects will be apparent. Why not enjoy these benefits-coherently-for as long as possible?

Walk Into a More Beautiful You

Some exercises are absolutely intimidating. They are strenuous, necessitate moving parts of your body in directions you’ve never dreamed of, and they usually utilize little muscles you didn’t even know existed. It can be pretty embarrassing to show up to a class full of intermediate-advanced workout buffs and be the only one floundering through each exercise routine in the back of the room. Where it is absolutely recommended to go out there and try whatever you are able to in order to work your body out into a healthier, more physically capable you; there are still always the everyday safety zones you can retreat to that will ultimately get the job done. Walking, for example, is still always a great, yet basic, way to transform your body and your lifestyle.

Walking can be done everywhere and at anytime. As soon as one leaves his home, it begins. To top it off, neither a treadmill, nor a gym, are needed in order to follow through with this type of exercise. It is essentially free. Eventually, continuing a walking regime will lead to shedding pounds, and maintaining weight; with or without a dietary change. Of course, it is recommended to reduce calories, increase fruits and vegetables, and always take in as much water as possible; but usually after time, a healthier body will innately crave subtle changes naturally.

An hour long walk five days a week will lead to pound shedding. Many people will come up against an obstacle of not enough time or not enough stamina to execute a plan like this right off the bat. That is expected, and fine. It is encouraged to start with at least thirty minutes of even a casual pace. This will at least get the heart rate elevated for a few minutes, which is ultimately, and eventually, the key to losing weight. Even if you must wake up in the morning and do thirty minutes and then another thirty minutes after dinner, it is wise to get the length of time in somehow. Or perhaps you must creatively segment numerous fifteen minute short walks. Anything is better than nothing. It is, however, important to remember that the longer the duration in one setting, the greater the benefits to be reaped. Calories tend to burn faster after half an hour of walking, increasing the effect the longer the walk. Another crucial aspect is the speed of your gait. Initially, it may be suggested to walk to the level of your comfort, but in time it is imperative to speed up your step in order to see results. A slow two mph pace burns about 26 calories per ten minutes; thirty minutes burns about 79 calories. Increasing to three mph almost doubles the caloric burn. Walking four miles in an hour will reward you with a total of 370 calories burned. Keep a rate like that up and you will lose a pound every ten days or so; approximately 35 lbs in a year!

Walking not only helps you lose weight and tone your muscles, it also decreases cholesterol, reduces the risk of breast cancer, and helps prevent against heart disease. It is a well known form of stress management, increasing your natural balance of energy, and it will ultimately heighten your mood. Once you commit to walking, you will inevitably find the time you previously felt you lacked in order to continue stepping towards a better feeling, lighter you. Let’s face it: walking is something we do everyday as it is. It is free, convenient, low-risk of injury, and is all around positive. We should all commit to walking for our health, no matter what the level of intensity.