Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Eating Wisely and Weight Loss

Please bear in mind that I am not a dietician, or a physician, and my opinions are those of a Yoga teacher and life-long student of Ayurveda. Always consult your family physician before changing your diet.

It may be generally agreed that eating wisely and weight loss do not often agree. Just look back that the parade of "fad diets" that didn't seem to work over the long term and, in retrospect, were not wise from the onset.

This article will be a "union" of ideas from Ayurvedic principles, modern fitness concepts, and overall strategies for better health.

It goes without saying that a vegetarian diet is healthy. Only a decade ago, there were many reservations, among local physicians in New England, in regard to this concept. How rapidly knowledge, insight, and opinions change.

Marie, my wife, exposed me to the vegetarian diet. Before that, I ate what is now called the "Mediterranean Diet." The diet I eat, to this day, is a combination of the two. The combination of these two, "classic" diets, are easy for me to live with and it is not an effort, at all, for me.

That is the biggest hurdle for most people. Many of us take on a radical dieting change that we cannot live with. Most of us can afford to make a few small changes at a time, instead of changing everything at once - unless you are dieting under the guidance of your doctor or dietician.

Therefore, I propose a few small changes to your eating habits that will make sense. You do not have to change them all at one time.

Sit down and focus on eating your meal.

Avoid television, reading, heated conversations, etc.

Thoroughly chew your food at a slow pace and do not put more food in your mouth until you have swallowed the previous bite.

Be aware of how hungry you are before your meal.

Try to avoid too much time between meals, as this leads to over consumption and your stomach should never be more than three quarters full, after a meal.

Exercise tip: Some of you practice Yoga and understand the many benefits of Sun Salutations, but have you ever tried weight resistance?

Strength training increases energy expenditure during a weight resistance training session. The high intensity of strength training indicates a high utilization of carbohydrates during a training session.

During the post-exercise recovery period, energy expenditure is elevated for a period ranging from two to fifteen hours (1). The increased energy demands are obtained by burning more calories, and a good portion of the calories are coming from fat stores.

Even if you work every body part just once a week, this method of cross training will effectively burn calories. When you combine this with any aerobic activity, you have a powerful combination. Rowing and bicycling are good substitute forms of resistance too.

Strategies for results: Get help from a qualified Personal Trainer, Dietician, or a Life Coach. You could do it all yourself, but how much time do you have to "spin your wheels." without any progress? These services exist for those who don't want to waste time and want solutions now.

Cardiovascular Effort for Excellent Health

No matter who you are in the world, your body needs aerobic exercise. A healthy body and high quality way of life needs it. It has a number of pros and will help you feel greater in all areas of your life. So how can you benefit from aerobic exercise?
Anaerobic exercise is not like aerobic in that it is often shorter in length and greater in intensity. With anaerobics the body gets tired faster and muscles are created more actively. A variety of sports are categorized as anaerobic activities: soccer, downhill skiing, weight lifting, basketball, and football. Running or sprinting is another one. Anaerobic exercise will boost the possibility of the body being sore.
To imagine that often we don't do aerobic exercise is crazy because of it's number of perks. It helps control and reduces body fat, increases our total endurance, gives us more energy, assists in our resilience to exhaustion, increases our muscles, and raises our lean body mass. It also helps us mentally by improving mood, lowering anxiety, reducing depression, reducing tension, and having us sleep good at night. Who can't benefit a little from all that?These are pros that people would all use.
An aerobics class could be a good beginning for people who want to reap the rewards of aerobic exercise and aren't positive how to start. Both high and low intensity work outs are available in an aerobics class. The teacher should show class members how to perform these moves either way. The amount of intensity is how high you bring your limbs up during the work out routine. Athletes must perform at the level of intensity pertaining to their level of fitness and the regularity of their work outs sessions.
The goal while working out aerobically is to reach your target heart rate and remain at that for the whole period you are exercising that group of muscles. This exercises the heart more effectively and makes the body expend a greater amount of calories. The aerobic curve is something some people will often reach. This is when you start exercising and elevate your intensity level to the peak then decrease gradually. It is better to maintain that continuous level as your heart rate rises. The lungs and heart endure longer and work more effectively when they are conditioned. People who do aerobic exercise on a steady basis will have to exercise harder to achieve their target heart rate as their stamina increases. People who are only beginning will get to their target heart rate quickly until their body gets used to the exercise. <
More effective implementation of the lungs by escalating the oxygen carried to them as well as the heart using that oxygen more effectively are a few of the pros of aerobic exercise. The definition of aerobic means with oxygen, or with air. Exercise that is lower in intensity and longer in time is aerobic. With aerobic sessions, an athlete implements the same big muscle group in a continuous motion from between fifteen and thirty. The goal of the aerobic exerciser is to maintain a maximum heart rate of approximately sixty to eighty %. A few aerobic sessions are: light running, cycling, walking, or treading water. These activities should be able to be done without a person breathing hard. You are possibly anaerobically working out if you are not able to carry on a brief
While in an aerobic exercise session, the body transports more blood and oxygen to the muscle groups. It is not smart to stop suddenly from an aerobic session. This leads to dizziness and muscle spasms. It is usually a great idea to have a cooling off session after a relatively intense aerobic work out. Running in place for a moment or two is a good idea if anybody gets too exhausted during a work out session.
This type exercise is absolutely obligatory for cardiovascular fitness even though it may be a bit difficult at first. A healthy body takes regular aerobic sessions and is an ongoing process. Three times a week is generally how frequently a person should exercise if they are already in fairly good cardiovascular shape. Those who are trying to lose weight and raise their level of fitness should work out four to five times a week.

Acne Scar Treatments

There are many ways to treat acne scars. Determining your treatment depends on the type of scar and quantity of scarring. Before you consider a scar treatment you should have an in depth conversation with your doctor. It is very important you only use this information as an introduction to scar treatments and not a final guide. Your dermatologist and you can discuss the proper treatment after you have basic knowledge.
For very mild acne, a chemical peel might be all that you need. Different types of acid are used in this procedure. It is recommended that you choose another method of treatment, if you have very noticeable or deep scarring. The chemical peel procedure takes about fifteen minutes. The resultant facial redness may last up to a few weeks.
There are a few choices available to treat moderate acne scarring. The most popular are dermabrasion and laser resurfacing. Dermabrasion is a scar treatment in which a diamond plated wheel is used to "sand" your face. This technique has been around for a long time and sandpaper was once used instead of the new machines that utilize the diamond plated tool. Generally, this procedure takes around an hour to perform. You should expect some scabbing and redness for a few weeks. This method is most effective for individual with very pale or very dark complexions.
The other treatment for mild acne scars is laser resurfacing. This treatment involves removing old skin with a carbon dioxide (CO2) or erbium laser. Depending on the size and frequency of the scars, the treatment may last only several minutes or in excess of an hour. This treatment is not advised for people with darker skin pigment, because it may result in uneven skin color. After treatment, redness should be expected for a few weeks and a mild pinkish tone may be evident even longer.
For very deep, pitted scars, physicians utilize a "punch technique." There are several "punch" treatments available depending on your doctor, type of acne and other factors. The first type is a punch replacement in which a tool is used to remove the scar. Then a skin graft from another part of your body is transplanted over the site. Another technique is the punch excision where the scar is surgically removed and the area allowed to recover. Finally, there is a technique where the physician removes the scar at the bottom. The skin at the treated area is allowed to rise and fills the cratered area. Usually a punch technique is combined with dermabrasion or laser resurfacing for optimal results. Healing may take up to several weeks.
Another type of acne scar treatment is subcision. With subcision the scar is detached from the lower tissue, which allows a blood clot to form under the skin. The clot forces the scar up to the surface of the skin. Similar to the punch techniques, combining subcision with dermabrasion or laser resurfacing yields the best results. This type of treatment can be effective for all types of scarring, but is best for deeper and more prominent scars.
The last type of treatment is augmentation. Augmentation uses a material similar to collagen which is injected under the skin to bring the scar to the surface. Recovery is immediate and no time off work is necessary. The drawback, however, is that results are temporary and only last up to six months.
Whatever acne scar treatment you decide upon, keep in mind that some may require more than one session with a doctor. Always consult your dermatologist to decide which treatment is best for you. There is a wide variation with the costs associated with the various treatments. Make sure you consider the financial ramifications with your treatment plan before you proceed. Remember, more than one treatment plan may be effective in your particular situation. Each plan has benefits and drawbacks so make sure you discuss all your concerns with your doctor.

A Woman's Guide to Removing Facial Hair

Many women experience unwanted facial hair and wish to have it removed. It can be due to genetics, age, medication or many women just want it removed for cosmetic reasons, like eyebrow hair. Women experience growth of unwanted facial hair during certain times of their life, such as puberty, pregnancy, and menopause. Regardless, there is a large population of women who want a safe, long lasting, and effective way to remove facial hair.

One way to remove facial hair is through shaving. Although the old wives tale that this will cause the hair it grow back thicker and faster is not true, many woman feel this is too masculine a way to remove facial hair. Plus, it only eliminates the problem for a short amount of time and may irritate sensitive skin.

One of the most common ways for women to remove facial hair is by plucking. They are probably already familiar with this due to plucking their eyebrows with a process. If they see a darker hair on their lip or chin, it is easy enough to pluck out. Plucking the hair removes it longer than shaving, but is still not the permanent solution for which many women are looking. Waxing is similar to plucking, but it can be more painful and is more likely to irritate sensitive skin. The same is true for creams that remove hair plus many of them have a bad smell. There is a skin cream called Vaniqa that decreases facial hair growth, but it is also only temporary and requires a prescription from a doctor.

You can purchase epilators with tweezers at most beauty stores, but the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has stated that that is no statistically significant data to prove that tweezer epilators provide permanent hair removal. It may for some, and not for others. One factor may be the coarseness of your hair.

If you are looking for a method to remove facial hair permanently, try electrolysis. Electrolysis is the process by which facial hair is removed using electrical currents. A trained professional, often referred to as an electrologist or electrolysist, must perform this procedure. They take a metal probe and insert it into an individual hair follicle. The electrical current is then delivered to the follicle, destroying it. One the procedure is complete; the hair is removed with sterile forceps. Each hair follicle must be treated individually. The discomfort of this process varies among clients. Some have reported feeling a slight pinprick and some have reported a more painful feeling. As with many medical procedures, there is a chance of scarring, although it is minimal if you are using a well-trained electrologist. But, immediately after a hair follicle is treated, there may be a small, red lesion, much like an insect bite for a short time.

While electrolysis will permanently remove the hair, it may not be instantaneous. You may have to have several electrolysis treatments to the same hair follicle before the hair is completely removed. This is because your hair cells grow in cycles and electrolysis only works if the hair is in its growth phase. Many electrologists charge by the amount of time it takes to remove the hair. Ten minutes runs about $18 and 30 minutes costs about $34.

Another form of permanent facial hair removal is laser treatments. This is a new technology, only being offered commercially since the mid 1990s. This may also be referred to as phototricholysis or photoepilation. Like electrolysis, this may require several treatments before the hair is removed permanently. The laser light also feels like a pinprick to most patients. However, the laser treatments will not work on blonde, red, or white hairs. It will however work on areas that electrolysis will not, such as the ears and nose. Laser hair treatments for the upper lip normally run about $50 per session as does the chin treatments. If you have facial hair on your cheeks, those treatments are a little more expensive - around $75 per treatment.

If you decide to do electrolysis or laser treatments for your unwanted facial hair, you should always talk to your doctor first about any pre-existing conditions you might have that would make you an unlikely candidate for these treatments.

There is no need to be ashamed of having your unwanted facial hair treated. Do some research on the Internet to find the best way for you to have the hair removed. There is no doubt it will make you feel better about yourself.

Medical Malpractice Are You In Safe Hands?

Attending the doctor is no fun, particularly if your visit is because of a particular complaint, rather than a timely check up. The only thing that makes the whole thing less scary or uncomfortable is that we are, at least, placing ourselves in the hands of skilled professionals, who have our best interests at heart. While this is true of most doctors and other healthcare providers, there are some less dedicated than others, so in order to protect your health and avoid becoming entangled in a medical malpractice suit, it is wise to check your doctor's credentials before submitting to an exam.
It is true that a large portion of medical malpractice suits arise from unfortunate errors rather than malice aforethought. This fact, however, does not alter the impact that such errors can have upon the life and health of the patient involved. Carelessness might be an unfortunate side effect of the long hours many of our healthcare providers work, but it remains unacceptable, particularly to those whose lives are irreparably altered as a result of such an error.
Medical malpractice suits are not, as sometimes portrayed in the media, a patient's way of finding revenge against the medical system that treated him unfairly. Such negative stereotypes only deter innocent people seeking the help they deserve. These suits are a way for an aggrieved patient to receive financial compensation for the wrong that was, perhaps unwittingly, carried out against them, financial compensation that is usually spent on adapting the patient's lifestyle to match his or her new circumstances. After all, no amount of money can undo what has been done. Medical malpractice suits are not a way of solving problems, they simply help alleviate the pain and suffering that has been caused.
Medical malpractice does not have to involve headline-grabbing mistakes; though the definition varies between states, malpractice can be constituted by negligence or disregard. If you are in doubt as to whether your case might be suitable for this kind of legal suit, it is always wise to contact a lawyer. And try to prevent this kind of unfortunate incident happening to you – be sure to check out your doctor's background before proceeding with treatment to ensure that you really are putting yourself in safe hands.

What Body Hair Do You Remove?

To remove body hair or not remove body hair - That is the question. And as with most everything, there are, (at least), two beliefs about what to do with body hair.

One belief is that you should not remove your body hair because it protects skin from dirt and germs, provides cushioning for sensitive areas, lessens the friction between skin and clothes, holds in heat to keep you warm when you need it and retains your personal scent, which may attract your potential mate.

Another belief is that you should remove your body hair because it holds dirt and germs, interferes with sensations in sensitive areas, causes friction between skin and clothes, and holds in heat which creates your personal scent, which repels everyone.

Some people, both male and female, believe because you're born with body hair, it's best to just let it grow. These people add that a big benefit is you don't have to spend your time or money removing it.

Other people believe just because you're born with body hair, doesn't mean you have to accept it. These people believe it's their body, (and hair), to do what they please and the big benefit for them is they say they look and feel better because they remove their body hair.

Since the human animal has walked this planet, body hair has played a couple of important roles. Before clothing, as protection and a signal of sexual maturity. Since clothing, a signal of sexual maturity.

Today, neither of these roles apply. And it seems even evolution is playing a part towards less hair.

It's a genetic fact that since the need of body hair as protection has become unnecessary because of wearing clothing, with each generation males have become noticeably less hairy.

Even though some males still believe that their body hair is a measure of their manliness, in today's world, being a hairy male does not represent being manly like it did in the past. In fact these days, most people, of both sexes, really prefer smooth bodies. So with body hair being useless, it's more than acceptable for a male to trim his body hair or even become a full body shaver - Especially if he has a lot of hair.

Now be honest - What's your response when you see a male with a really hairy chest or back?

Most males today have a better sense of how to project the most positive image and remove excess body hair, particularly on the chest and back. Removing chest and back hairs can be beneficial on both hygienic and aesthetic levels. A male with a hairless and toned body is very attractive to others.

Now be honest - What's your response when you see a female with bushy armpits, scraggly bikini lines and hairy legs at the pool or beach?

Unless you're in France, forget that hairy armpits on females is considered chic. Bushy armpits on males are not attractive either. Both males and females can improve their personal hygiene with groomed armpits. Bushy armpits generate extra heat, encourage the growth of bacteria and most often create heavier perspiration, resulting in an unpleasant odor. So whether you choose to just trim this hair or completely remove it, your armpits will tell onlookers that you're tidy and clean.

Now, with all of today's hair removal products, there's really no excuse for any, (conscientious), female wearing a skimpy swimsuit, not to be a body shaver. A female may have a beautifully shaped and toned body which looks great in a thong bikini, but the entire image will be ruined if there are scraggly pubic hairs sticking out.

To at least trim or remove hair in the genital area will not only improve appearance, it will also improve personal hygiene. Less hair in this area means less heat and consequently, less build up of bacteria and unpleasant odor. This holds true for males as well as females.

And - You won't know unless you try - If you remove the hair in the genital area, it may even enhance your sex life. Most people today say that if their partner's genital area were well groomed, they'd be paying more attention to this area. How about you? Do you prefer your partner's genital area neatly groomed or unkempt and hairy?

Most people would agree that we all want to look the best we can. Whether you choose to just trim your body hair or become a full body shaver, grooming your body hair is a basic step towards being more presentable.

Some hair removal methods are designed specifically for different parts of the body. But there is shaving tool that is specifically designed to remove hair from every part of the body. Do your own research. You'll be glad you did.